Sunday, February 13, 2011

No longer a youtube geek

A bit lazy on my blogger these days
Have been sick for two weeks
I faffed around at home
Did some simple cookery
Watched ViVi on hand & online version
Did some youtubing @ home
O btw, I was once a proper youtube geek in the past
Could youtube for latest Nippon PVs, CMs for 2 hours
But Im no longer a geek now =]
O…right I was also once a frequent visitor for ミスタードーナツ
to get latest donut news
And they just had a ‘Best [復刻版] Donut Competition’
Below are the winners:


  1. wow... u finally updated, I thought that you have abandoned the blog tim...

  2. haha small ghost u r reli a frequent visitor! appreciate it ^^

  3. Are you better now?
    Have been waiting so long for your update

  4. Haha I know u hv been my fun c for yrs =P
